Our safety and environmental efforts
We fulfill our corporate responsibilities for safety, quality, environment, and security.
At GLOBESHIP, based on the basic philosophy of "ensuring safety and hygiene above all else," We have established an in-house safety and health management system in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act to create a safe and comfortable workplace. I aim for it. Also, GLOBESHIP has established a quality management system based on ISO 9001. We are also aware of our corporate responsibility with respect to environmental issues, and have developed an environmental management system based on the ISO 14001 standard. Our ISO/IEC 27001-compliant information security management system adds a third ISO certification. GLOBESHIP has set the promotion of these three ISO programs as our personal imperative and applies them to everyday improvements in quality and environmental management.
Safety and Health Policy
GLOBESHIP believes that ensuring the safety and health of its employees is an important foundation of its corporate activities. As it is our important mission to protect the lives and health of our all employees and those of our Group companies, we will always carry out our business with priority given to ensuring safety and health.
Based on this philosophy, we pursue the following as organizational efforts and disclose the policy to the public.
- We will comply with safety- and health-related laws and regulations as well as internal regulations and strive for greater safety and health management.
- We aim to create a safe and comfortable workplace, from “zero accidents” to “zero hazards,” by conducting risk assessment that clarifies workplace hazards and sets priorities for countermeasures.
- We strive to carry out safety and health activities with the participation of all employees by communicating with all employees as well as those who work with them.
- We will establish a system to promote mental health and actively work on mental health measures.
- We strive to raise safety and health awareness through safety and health education for employees and internal public relations activities.
- In carrying out health and safety activities, we will devote appropriate management resources and continuously implement effective improvements.
Quality policy: ISO 9001
GLOBESHIP will accurately understand the customers’ needs and respond to them earnestly. We will also take on the challenges of service quality improvement and technological innovation in order to meet the customers’ expectations and trust as part of our contribution to social development.
Based on this policy, we pursue the following as organizational efforts and disclose the policy to the public.
- GLOBESHIP will appropriately apply and continuously improve the established quality management system and will formulate, execute, and periodically review the quality targets set according to this policy at each department.
- In providing equipment management service, GLOBESHIP will maintain and manage the systems and equipment that bear the core functions of a building so that they remain in a safe and optimal condition. Drawing on many years of experience, GLOBESHIP will prevent incidents and contribute to improving the environment through proposals that respect the customer’s position.
- In providing cleaning services, GLOBESHIP will continuously work on developing new cleaning techniques and deliver a comfortable environment to customers through improved quality by increasing the skill level and morale of the cleaning staff.
- In providing security services, GLOBESHIP will keep to the basics of security service while protecting the customer’s precious assets with favorable customer service.
- GLOBESHIP assumes the protection of our employees’ and customers’ lives and health as our critical mission. We will conduct business operations bearing in mind that “safety precedes everything.”
Environmental policy: ISO 14001
GLOBESHIP contributes to creating earth-friendly environments that cater to the customers’ safety and comfort. Aiming to be a leading company in the facility management industry, we take on challenges with creativity in order to contribute to sustainable social development.
Based on this policy, we pursue the following as organizational efforts and disclose the policy to the public.
- By actively promoting environmental conservation activities, we will meet the various needs of our customers and local communities, comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and aim for a sustainable and comfortable environment.
- Regarding our business and services we provide, we will continue to promote the introduction of methods to reduce the environmental burden and contribute to the "realization of a carbon-free society" and "promotion of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" as an initiative of the SDGs.
- GLOBESHIP will provide environmental education and training to each employee as well as work with affiliates and business partners on environmental conservation activities upon gaining their understanding and cooperation.
- To implement this policy, each division will set environmental goals and work toward them, as well as review them as necessary to ensure their effectiveness.
Information security policy: ISO/IEC 27001
As an enterprise trusted by customers, business partners, and society at large, GLOBESHIP fosters corporate governance and climate that enable each employee to understand the importance of information security and act on it.
Based on this policy, we pursue the following as organizational efforts and disclose the policy to the public.
- GLOBESHIP recognizes all information used for our corporate activities as key management resource, and positions information security efforts as a key management initiative. “All information” means all information managed by GLOBESHIP, including personal information and business partner information, as well as the information systems that store and/or use such information.
- GLOBESHIP will define information security management regulations and clarify the responsibilities and promotional structure for information security, building a management framework that helps properly store and manage information assets.
- To gain the trust of customers and other stakeholders, GLOBESHIP will accurately understand and control information security risks associated with corporate activities and strive to ensure business continuity.
- GLOBESHIP will provide education and training to all officers and employees to ensure that all employees exercise information security vigilance.
- To comply with laws and regulations concerning information security, contracts, and other relevant statutory requirements, GLOBESHIP establishes compliance regulations and will ensure that they are strictly followed.
- As a management responsibility, GLOBESHIP will check the management system for information security and work for its maintenance and improvement.
GLOBESHIP Corporation
President & CEO, Toshikazu Yaguchi
First version effective as of April 1, 2015
Acquisition of ISO certifications
(ISO 9001 certification)
(ISO 14001 certification)
(ISO/IEC 27001certification)
Business continuity plan
GLOBESHIP has established a crisis management committee, and in contingencies, we immediately establish task forces at the head office and Osaka Branch to ensure our employees’ safety. GLOBESHIP has formulated a business continuity plan (BCP) that defines the actions our employees must take to respond to our customers.
1. Initial response
Head office
In case of contingencies, task forces are automatically set up at the head office and Osaka Branch to check the statuses of employees at each division, move to evacuation centers depending on damage, report to the head office, and take other necessary actions swiftly by using the established safety check system.
Other GLOBESHIP organizations will check the safety and status of employees and customers, and report to the head office. Each GLOBESHIP organization will do its best in starting recovery and/or necessary procedures predefined for the organization, and if necessary, request assistance from the head office, branches, and group companies.
2. Specific basic behavior based on priority
GLOBESHIP staff will first secure safety for themselves and then help their families and peers with life-sustaining aid, rescue, and transportation to hospital. GLOBESHIP staff will also check the safety situation of their families and homes, ensure the safety of customers, and participate in disaster relief activities.
3. Response based on the location of contingency
Off duty
As defined in the code of conduct by the crisis management committee, staff must try to make contact with the head of division to clarify whether to stay or come to the office. Every employee will take responsible actions.
On duty
After checking their family’s safety situation, staff will perform their defined duties and take appropriate actions for the situation.
4. Stockpile
The head office, branches, and sites keep a stockpile of water and food to last three days for employees who cannot go home and have to stay at the office.