A place where everyone can work with vitality,
where all employees can be themselves
and demonstrate their abilities,
regardless of gender, disability,
nationality, or age.
We aim to be such a company.
MessageDiversity and Inclusion
We respect diversity and create a workplace
where everyone can work comfortably.
We have established the Diversity Promotion Office in a bid to enhance diversity at GLOBESHIP. We are working to create a workplace where all employees, regardless of gender, disability, nationality, or age, can fully demonstrate their abilities and develop their careers over the long term. Respecting each other's individuality and values synergizes positively with building a corporate culture where everyone can work with vigor and enthusiasm.
In the future, we aim to create a workplace where everyone can feel at home, where women, people with disabilities, people of different nationalities, and senior employees will no longer need separate consideration, so that the Diversity Promotion Office itself will no longer be necessary.
- Supporting Women's Careers at GLOBESHIP
- Employing Persons with Disabilities
- Engaging a Global Workforce
- Engaging the Senior Workforce
Supporting Women's Careers at GLOBESHIP

“Active to the fullest”Aiming to be a workplace where female employees can envision their career growth and life events together with the company.
At GLOBESHIP, there are fields where women can contribute to society by, among other things, growing through their work and participating in management.
We also support women in balancing work with life events such as childbirth and raising children, while at the same time enhancing career development and education and training. By creating a secure and rewarding work environment, women will have more opportunities to play an active role. This will allow us to incorporate more diverse perspectives than ever before and improve our services.
We support equal participation
for women in the workplace
Increase the ratio of women in management positions
Through external management seminars and other training programs, women are encouraged to increase their awareness and aspirations to become managers and, in the future, department managers and executives. We will nurture human resources who are well placed to serve as role models for female career development. -
Increase in the number of female site managers
We will analyze the difficult issues faced by women in the position of site manager, and implement measures to remove them. In addition, we will increase opportunities for career development so that women can gain experience in the cleaning business, with the aim of producing site managers coming from the cleaning business. -
Increase in the number of women employed in facility management positions
We will increase the number of women we hire and create opportunities for women to gain a wide range of experience in everything from cleaning operations to facilities operations. We will also give consideration to the deployment of women in facilities management, including overnight shits, work which many women may perceive to be off limits to them. -
Increase in the number of women in sales positions
We will expand opportunities for women salespeople to play an active role in the development of new services born from the unique perspectives and ideas of women, as well as in the development of cleaning operations based on different insights than before. -
Increased recruitment of female new graduates and mid-career hires
We will step up our efforts to identify future managers among women with the expectation that diverse human resources will play an active role in the company. -
Education and training for women
We will develop new educational programs from the perspective of operations in which women can play an active role, and enhance skill training in management and facilities operations. -
Career development for women
We will be flexible in reviewing career plans in light of life events such as childbirth and childcare. We aim to create an environment in which employees can balance work and raising children, such as by allowing employees to work from home while they are raising children. In addition, we will establish a consultation service for women with work-related concerns and introduce a system of periodic interviews. -
Childcare and nursing care pamphlet, job return system
In order to make our efforts and systems known to employees, we will prepare pamphlets on childcare and nursing care and distribute them at various opportunities. We will also consider introducing a job return system that leaves the door open for employees who have left the company, allowing them to return to work.
Work-Life Balance in Data
Main Initiatives
President Yaguchi × Diversity Promotion Office

In April 2018, GLOBESHIP established the Diversity Promotion Office in a bid to shake up its diversity-based work approach. Members of the Diversity Promotion Office regularly exchange opinions with President and CEO Yaguchi. Aiming for further evolution, the members in charge report directly on the progress of the measures being promoted by the Diversity Promotion Office, and also directly convey President Yaguchi's own passion for diversity.
In terms of promoting diversity, particularly in the area of providing women with equal opportunities in the workplace, President Yaguchi's desire to increase the number of women in management positions was welcomed by the head of the Diversity Promotion Office, who responded, “We would like to solve issues that hinder female employees who are working hard to become managers, so that they can be motivated to do their best, and we would like to provide them with the support they need to be successful in their careers.”
Engagement training for female employees

As one of the measures to empower women in the workplace, GLOBESHIP holds engagement training for female employees.
Engagement here refers to employees' attachment to and feelings for the company. Recently, it has been defined as “a relationship between an individual and an organization as equals, where both parties contribute to each other's growth.”
In FY2022, 16 female employees from across Japan were selected to take this course.
The program consists of the following five phases:
(1) Self-introductions
(2) Group work: “Thoughts on women's empowerment in the workplace”
(3) Lectures: “Background behind the empowerment of women in the workplace” and “Unconscious bias”
(4) Video-based study: “Be a woman (person) who shines at work!”
(5) Group work: “Our hope for GLOBESHIP in encouraging women to succeed in the workplace going forward”
Interview with female facilities staff

GLOBESHIP is committed to creating an employment environment in which all employees can play an active role, regardless of gender. Women are now being promoted to the position of facilities staff, whereas in the past the overwhelming majority were male. For this interview, we asked two facilities staff members, Y and S, who are responsible for the day-to-day management of facilities, to talk about what it is like to work on site and how rewarding their work is.
Ms. Y
At first, I felt a little nervous about being a newcomer and a woman, but all of my senior colleagues were very approachable and taught me about the work in detail, so I was able to blend into the workplace atmosphere right away.
Ms. S
For example, there is heavy work such as lifting manhole covers, but male employees naturally help out, so I am able to perform any task without anxiety.
Worked in the building management industry because of aptitude and future potential
Ms. Y, a facilities staff member, graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts degree and joined GLOBESHIP fresh out of university in 2018. After joining the company, she was officially assigned as a facilities clerk in the building where she received her facilities training. She says, “I wanted to enter the industry because I thought my meticulous nature would make me suited to building management. I chose GLOBESHIP because I thought the training system was well organized and it would be easy for inexperienced workers and women to work there.”
Ms. S, a facilities staff member, joined the company in 2020 as a mid-career employee after working in sales in the apparel industry. “I became interested in the building management industry because I heard that opportunities for women to play an active role in the industry would be expanding rapidly in the future. I was assigned to this building almost as soon as I joined the company, and I learned my job through on-the-job training under the guidance of senior staff,” she recalls.
Diverse work duties are highly rewarding
The duties of facilities staff are diverse, including daily inspections of the entire building, monthly inspections to check the condition of major facilities, and annual power outage inspections conducted with the entire building closed, but there is no major difference in the job descriptions for women and men, except that women are not required to work on the overnight shift.

Ms. Y, who also performs meter reading for air conditioning heat meters and other equipment, discovered that the amount of air conditioning used by tenants did not decrease at night, when nobody was supposed to be in the building. After pointing out to the store that they had forgotten to turn off the air conditioner, they were able to reduce the amount of air conditioning used. She says she feels great joy in her job when she is able to use her keen eye for observation in this way. Meanwhile, Ms. S says that she feels an irreplaceable sense of accomplishment when she completes the annual power outage inspection without incident, after months of careful preparation and training by all the members. It is evident that they both take pride and satisfaction in their respective roles as facility staff.
We also want to contribute to creating
a workplace where women
can work comfortably

Ms. Y and Ms. S are both dedicated to acquiring specialized knowledge and have passed various certifications and accreditation exams, including becoming qualified as a Second-Class Electrician and a Hazardous Materials Engineer: Class 4. They say that while they are studying, they sometimes find it hard, but some tasks cannot be done without qualifications, which motivates them to work harder.
Together, they hope to help create a society in which it is natural for women to be active in the building maintenance industry.
“To achieve this, it is absolutely essential to have a workplace where both men and women can work comfortably, and I would like to seriously consider how we can create such an environment from now on,” says Ms. S. “The most important thing in creating an enjoyable workplace is human relations. As such, I intend to work to facilitate smoother communication in the future,” adds Ms. Y. In addition to continuing to work hard on self-improvement, they both expressed their aspiration to contribute to the creation of a workplace where women can devote themselves to their work with more vitality.
Childcare and nursing care pamphlet
We created a pamphlet summarizing GLOBESHIP's childcare leave system and nursing care leave system, which we distribute to employees as a handout at the time they join the company.
Various life-stage events occur regardless of gender, but no one knows when they will come. This pamphlet is designed to prepare employees for balancing their work and personal lives without difficulty, and enabling them to cope with sudden changes in circumstances with peace of mind.

Work and Family
Employing Persons with Disabilities

“A workplace where you can experience joy”Rewarding work that is tailored to each individual's personality. Realization of a safe and secure work environment.
GLOBESHIP aims to create a workplace where everyone can thrive and play an active role, and provides a safe place for people with disabilities to work so that they can continue their careers without hindrance. We value the interaction between people with and without disabilities as colleagues who work at GLOBESHIP, overcoming difficulties and experiencing a sense of accomplishment together.
Main Initiatives
Social gathering for graduates
of special needs schools
A social gathering mainly for graduates of special needs schools, this event is held regularly to promote communication among employees. Starting with self-introductions by new employees, we deepen mutual understanding by discussing a variety of topics, such as events in the workplace, changes in the surroundings of employees, and things they should pay attention to at the time. Participation in social gatherings increases motivation and creates a sense of being a fellow member of GLOBESHIP. We also provide support for consultations on concerns and other issues, and strive to create a comfortable working environment.
Saitama Iwatsuki Farm:
Agricultural produce and
interaction among employees
Since June 2019, GLOBESHIP has been working with S-Pool Plus, Inc., a company that operates greenhouses, to promote employment of people with disabilities through agricultural activities at Saitama Iwatsuki Farm (Saitama City).
The farm grows Chinese cabbage, komatsuna, spinach, garland chrysanthemum, and other crops. In consideration of employee safety, the farm uses resin tools for all work materials and equipment. The use of artificial cultivation soil that is resistant to pests and does not stain clothes easily is another example of the farm's expertise in creating a comfortable working environment for people with disabilities.
Harvested vegetables are delivered to the head office on a regular basis. Employees who receive fresh vegetables take pictures of the dishes they create and send them to the farm. We share the joy of harvesting and the collaboration between the tasks of growing and cooking vegetables.
We intend to continue our efforts to create a comfortable workplace while taking into consideration the individuality of each employee.
Engaging a Global Workforce

“There is only one mind”All employees have the GS WAY mindset. Richly individualistic human resources from various countries and regions play an active role at GLOBESHIP.
At GLOBESHIP, we have people of various nationalities and cultures on board, including employees from Nepal, Vietnam, and Myanmar.
We are making efforts to train employees of diverse nationalities so that they can share the GS WAY management philosophy together, hone their skills while understanding and practicing the GS mindset, and respond to customers competently.
Diverse human resources by data
Main Initiatives
GSWAY, GLOBESHIP's code of conduct, and compliance sheets are translated into English, Chinese, Nepali, and Myanmar to facilitate information sharing.
Engaging the Senior Workforce

“Making the most of your experience”We respond to the desire of our employees to continue taking on new challenges later in life by demonstrating the knowledge, experience, and skills they have cultivated over the years.
We aim to create an environment where people can continue to work in a rewarding way, making use of their wealth of knowledge and experience in various occupations and walks of life.
We provide comprehensive support for the working styles of active seniors.