GLOBESHIP Corporation

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GLOBESHIP ACTION for 2050 Carbon Neutrality

GLOBESHIP supports the Japanese government's goal of achieving carbon neutrality
(zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050)
and its declaration to this effect,
and will do everything possible to help create
a decarbonized society through its business activities.

Our Commitmentto Carbon Neutrality

01Use of robots and IT technology

We will actively introduce robotics, sensing technology, remote monitoring technology, and other technologies in each of our major operations (including cleaning, facilities management, security, and construction) to reduce CO2 emissions through higher quality, greater efficiency, and labor savings in our operations.


Introduced floor cleaning robot Whiz in 2019. We are building up a track record of success while accumulating operational know-how in collaboration with SoftBank Robotics Corp.

As of the end of FY2021 As of the end of FY2022 As of the end of FY2023
Cumulative number of
Whiz and Whiz i units introduced
180 units 248 units 281 units

02Optimization of cleaning operations
(Acquired Eco Mark for Cleaning Services certification)

On March 24, 2023, we acquired the "Eco Mark for Cleaning Service" certification for our cleaning services.

The use of environment-friendly materials and equipment, the appropriate cleaning method and amount of detergent used, and the establishment of a system to manage them were highly evaluated.

Through these series of activities, we will work to reduce CO2 emissions.
In particular, regarding the amount of detergent used, we will aim to reduce CO2 emissions by managing the annual purchase amount.

Eco Mark

Certification number: 22 510 004

(Number of branch offices that have acquired
Eco Mark certification for cleaning services: 84 locations)

FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of facilities with Eco Mark for Cleaning Services certification 10
(as of March 2023)
(as of January 2024)
(as of February 2025)
Amount spent purchasing detergent under the jurisdiction of the head office 9.9 million yen/year 9.5 million yen/year (Aggregating)

03Reduction of electricity consumption and waste emissions, promotion of paperless operations, etc.

At GLOBESHIP's head office, we monitor the amount of monthly electricity consumption, photocopy paper purchased, and waste emissions in exclusive sections, and share this information with all employees through our in-house magazine to raise awareness of energy conservation and decarbonization.

In response to the Japanese government's request to save electricity, we implemented restrictions on the illumination intensity of lighting in exclusive sections in December of 2022.
In addition, by promoting paperless operations and raising employee awareness, we have achieved year-on-year reductions in the amount of photocopy paper purchased and waste generated.

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Head Office exclusive sections:
Electricity consumption
420,761 kwh/year 415,438 kwh/year 425,152 kwh/year
Head office:
Purchased photocopy paper
2.0 million yen/year 1.9 million yen/year 1.8 million yen/year
Shiba Front Building:
Garbage generated
55,088 kg/year 49,342 kg/year 51,220 kg/year

04Contribution to the decarbonization efforts of customer companies and organizations

We will contribute to the decarbonization efforts of our customer companies and organizations through the replacement of air conditioning units (high efficiency), installation of LED lighting, and the installation of high-insulation sashes in contracted buildings. Through appropriate proposals and implementation of these works, we will support the decarbonization efforts of our customers and society as a whole.

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Air conditioner renewal
(high efficiency)
45 projects
191 million yen/year
37 projects
496 million yen/year
26 projects
323 million yen/year
LED lighting installation 61 projects
281 million yen/year
194 projects
217 million yen/year
112 projects
197 million yen/year
Installation of high-insulation sashes 2 projects
12 million yen/year
1 projects
28 million yen/year
4 projects
4 million yen/year

05Contribution to renewable electricity generation

TAG O&M Services Corporation, a joint venture of TEC Project Services Corporation, GLOBESHIP Corporation, and ATOX Co., Ltd., was established in 2016 for the purpose of operating and maintaining solar power plants.

In cooperation with GLOBESHIP's branches and subsidiaries, the company provides O&M (operation and maintenance) services for mega solar power plants on behalf of project owners.

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Power plants under contract
Power plants of 30-60 MW in scale 6 (O&M services) 7 (O&M services) 9 (O&M services)
Power plants of 0.2-1 MW in scale 2 (O&M services) 3 (O&M services) 3 (O&M services)
Power plants of 7-18 MW in scale 4 (remote monitoring) 3 (remote monitoring) 3 (remote monitoring)
Total power generation capacity
(interconnected capacity)
Approx. 219 MW Approx. 242 MW Approx. 321 MW
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