GLOBESHIP and SODEXO have established a new joint venture: GLOBESHIP SODEXO CORPORATE SERVICES K.K.
GLOBESHIP and SODEXO (*), a worldwide leader of the IFM(**) based on the Quality of Life services, have established a new joint venture, GLOBESHIP SODEXO CORPORATE SERVICES K.K., which entered into IFM services on March 1st 2016 in Japan.
This new company, using its parent companies’ respective knowledge, technology and network, will provide the IFM services mainly to global Japanese and multinational foreign corporations in Japan.
The global leader in services that improve Quality of Life, an essential factor in individual and organizational performance. Operating in 80 countries, Sodexo serves 75 million consumers each day through its unique combination of On-site Services, Benefits and Rewards Services and Personal and Home Services and engages 420,000 employees on 32,000 sites throughout the world.
Revenue:€19.8 billion (as of Aug.31,2015)
(**)IFM: Integrated Facility Management
・Providing a full range of services to clients in non-core activities to enhance quality of daily life of employees - Not only serving the conventional building maintenance management, such as cleaning, mechanical equipment management, security and so on, but also undertaking general affairs, HR, training, procurement, etc. .
・Multinational companies are transforming their outsourcing contracts from individual service contracts to on-site integrated facility management
Company Profile
Name: Globeship Sodexo Corporate Services K.K.
Address: Shibafront Bldg. 7th Fl., 4-11-3, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-6362-9891 Fax: +81-3-6362-9897
Capital: JPY 100 million
Shareholders: Globeship 51%-JPY51M・Sodexo Japan K.K. 49%-JPY49M
Management: Representative Director and CEO: Yuichiro EDAGAWA (Managing Director of Globeship)
Representative Director: Aurélien SONET (Chairman of Sodexo Services Asia)
Takeo SATO (Managing Director of Globeship)
Katsumi ITO (Managing Executive Officer of Globeship)
Sunil NAYAK (CEO-Corporate Service of Sodexo Services Asia)
Employees: 54 persons (at initial stage)
Business: From March 1st 2016
Activities: To provide the IFM services to global Japanese and multinational foreign corporates in Japan